Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Summer at the Manor

From wet winter to summer drought in double quick time! The lawns and paddocks look as though we have harvested hay (which we didn't get a chance to). The cows are fine, as they are on the leased paddock, but the sheep are having to graze back in the orchard, not ideal, but they need to eat. The birds not withstanding, it has been a good year for apricots, so this year we should be able to supply apricot jam all year round. In a new (kind of) venture, we are now selling free flow frozen berries (tayberries, raspberries, blackberries and boysenberries (check out our website for contact details).

The autumn and winter vegetables are in, and should grow, providing the ducks, the cows and the sheep keep their noses, beaks and feet out! I've covered the newly planted brassicas with wire netting cloches to try to keep the ducks out.