Saturday, October 29, 2011

First of the season's Broad Beans

We have had so much rain recently that walking to the vegetable garden is a seriously squelchy exercise. However, it was worth it when I got there to find the first of the season's broad beans. This year the broadies have had a rough time. The planting in the strawberry patch was all but wiped out by the escaping pig. To be fair, he didn't do it directly, but whilst he was being chased and caught again, a great deal of damage was done (to the beans). Earlier I had transplanted some broad bean plants that were self sown in the raised garden. There is still not a great deal ready in the garden so one has to take what there is and create something rather than have a plan in mind and look for the makings. Tonight I picked baby broad beans, still in their pods and some mint, and with some Kingsmeade Feta cheese still in the fridge, made another delicious Spring salad.

225 g fresh baby broad beans, still in their pods, roughly chopped

60 g Feta cheese, cubed

2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint

1 tablespoon Martinborough Manner Boysenberry vinegar

3 tablespoons olive oil

Salt and pepper

Put the beans in boiling water for 3–4 minutes until tender, or cook in a tiny amount of water in the microwave. Drain well and put into a bowl. Mix together the oil, vinegar and mint and stir into the hot beans. Cool the beans to room temperature and mix in the cubed Feta. Salad, ready to serve.

1 comment:

  1. Love broad beans, especially the little baby ones, perfect combination with feta & mint :)
